Syed Muslim Shah

5 super effective tricks to empower your productivity

Simply to define the productivity, it is a state where the person makes his time useful to get marvelous results through his efforts.

We often make plans for our next days, that we will use our time so wisely, to bring out better results. Everyone wishes to acquire productive time but due to a few common mistakes, we fail badly to stay productive.

 You might have planned for something extra that you wanted to add in your routine. But at the last, you realize that you could not get spare time. Remember, you do not get extra time for that, you must make time out of your routine.

“Until we can manage time we can manage nothing else.”

The following are some of the most influential factors that can make your day way more productive. By prioritizing your important activities into your regular life, with preplanning and getting rid of all the distractions.

  1. Prioritizing smartly

Prioritizing at the start of the day is worth more than anything for a productive day. Make the list of most important tasks, it can spare much time out of the day, rather than planning time in again after finishing each task.

It would be so smart, prioritizing all the easy tasks in the start. It will make you feel relax and get comfortable. Because in a short time you will perform enough number of tasks. Here you will get more confident. By getting inspired of this you will be performing the rest of activities effortlessly.

Prioritizing will make you more disciplined and getting expert in time management. Because time is the most valuable asset, it can bring incredible success into the life of an individual.

  • Sticking to Routine

“ You cannot change your future but you can change your habits and your habits can change your future.”

As a human, we compromise too much, which is a great factor that we must compromise. But we fail to recognize whether where to comprise and just begin to compromise falsely.

Once you have prioritized everything, now it is the time for getting stick to this habit. Keep repeating these activities on a daily basis and never compromise on your habits.

Your repeated actions become your habit which make you more self-disciplined.

Don’t let yourself get bothered

This era we live in, has an abundance of distractions on every corner whether if it’s phone calls, social media, family or friends. Be sharp reducing the number of those elements which distract you.

You must find out a quiet place for yourself. Where there is no voice to distract you. “Better be alone.”   

While the distractions are eliminated, you will be able to perform your activities with your extreme focus. Remember, “the more focused you are the more creative you will be.”

  • Preparation in advance

We often face the situation, where we have started something with a great flow but all at once we realize that this or that thing is missing, then we leave everything in the mid to get that particular thing.

This is the worst type of distraction because we get interrupted while we are in such a good flow. You will need to have everything present on the spot.


Now, this preparation is not just only meant about materialistic things. It is all about the mindset. Before you start anything, you must think and feel yourself practically doing that activity.

This principle empowers your thinking power for your best outcome. It will increase your eagerness and will make you to work more creatively.

  • Effects of quiet place

As a fact, when a person is not bothered by the noise, so intellectually he can think more innovatively. As you know that we cannot control our thoughts. Most of the time we are excused with the noise which results in unproductivity.

Find out a better place, which is noise-free. So, there your mind will be able to create more creative ideas and better ideas will start flowing into your brain and make you more productive.

  • Don’t let your brain get pressurized

The time when your mind is quite relaxed, you can be more productive. We often make a mistake that we try to put pressure on our mind. Whereas in this scenario, we do harm to our brain.

Remember,s ideas come with the information we keep, the more knowledge you carry about a certain thing so it can result into many productive results.

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